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Organicowls brings you the salt in its purest form.  This raw and unrefined salt provides the body with 84 essential minerals and bio-compounds, known to have excellent pH-balancing properties.  This unique quality is absent in regular white salt. Your meals will be naturally healthier and tastier with the 200 million years old secret recipe. 

It's unique because it is...

• Hand-mined from ancient sea salt deposits of the Himalayas.


•Purest Salt

•Rich in minerals

•No Preservatives

Himalayan Pink Salt


    Himalayan Pink salt


    Nutritional Facts



    Serving size-100 gms

    Energy (Kcl)


    Protein (g)


    Total Fat (g)


    Carbohydrate (g)




    Calcium (mg)


    Potassium (mg)




    Iodine (mg)


    Iron (mg)


    Zinc (mg)


    Serving size : 1/4 tsp (1gm)         *Approximate Value


  • Improve Respiratory Diseases

    Salt therapy is a process that utilizes pure Himalayan salt to treat respiratory diseases. Salt treatment also helps magically with seasonal allergies and chest congestion.

    Balances Body pH Levels

    Himalayan sea salt’s rich mineral content helps balance the body’s pH levels. When one's pH has a healthy acid-to-alkaline ratio, it significantly affects one's overall health. In addition, a proper pH ensures immunity and good digestion. Since Himalayan sea salt contains sodium and other electrolytes, it directly improves blood pH levels.

    Improves Sleep Quality 

    Himalayan Pink Salt helps to encourage better, more restful sleep due to its high mineral content. It may be hard to believe, but enough salt intake in one’s routine diet is key to a good night’s rest since it is a natural sleep aid.

    Regulates Blood Sugar

    One of the essential features of body health is the blood sugar level. People having diabetes, on the other hand, will benefit from Himalayan Pink Salt intake. This difference is because it contains 84 minerals, four of which help in maintaining a healthy level of blood sugar, they are










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